Saturday, August 6, 2011

Re: [TOS] First interview processed

Hi Mary,

On Fri, Aug 5, 2011 at 18:22, Mary Bitter <> wrote:
> Hi Matt! We don't think we have a magic podcast infrastructure BUT the good
> news is we are already working on it.. We should know more on Monday. Stay
> tuned & happy weekend.
> mab

Sure thing. I wasn't worried, per se.

I'll try and hit the next deadline w.r.t. editing; I'll be bringing my
microphone with me, and should be able to record the intro/outro bits
that will change. Also, I'll load an initial "article" into the system
that can accompany the first in the series.

Worst case, we get a few edits ahead, and can roll the
articles/interviews when everything is in place. Or, if you prefer:
there isn't really a "worst case," as long as I'm ahead on the

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