Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Re: nqp broken -- missing get_pointer().

On Sep 21, 2011, at 4:08 PM, Andy Dougherty wrote:

> It appears that parrot/master no longer builds nqp/master. Here are
> the relevant error messages from an attempt to build nqp:

parrot just merged the beginnings of a branch intended to clean up our default VTABLES. This has the unfortunate effect of breaking NQP. The needed fixes are contained in nqp/kill-useless-defaults.

I thought I saw discussion of cutting a release for NQP/Rakudo soon. I would expect kill-useless-defaults to go in sometime after that, but I'm not the one making that decision. For the near future, I suggest using Parrot 3.8 or the kill-useless-defaults branch in NQP.

~~ Brian

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