Friday, September 9, 2011

Re: [TOS] Fwd: An experience report....


I have been reading this list since its inception and sometimes
popping my head out from under the rock to post. After lurking on
this thread for a while, I couldn't help but wade in. I am the
maintainer of RTEMS (free real-time operating system) and very
interested in it being used in educational environments.

But what I don't want is for talented, stretched instructors to flail
attempting to do so. Allen and Heidi are the experiences I do not
want to happen when you all try to
take RTEMS into a class room or lab. Yes you have to do some
preparation work that is specific to your educational goal. But no,
you should not suffer. It really
pained me to hear what Heidi went through. Avoiding that type of pain
is critical to FOSS use in educational settings. And bridging the gap
to FOSS projects to get help is a big step.

Please approach the projects to get help avoiding pitfalls. Karsten
hinted that the
FOSS community will help. I honestly believe most FOSS developers
would bend over backwards to help you all out.

I know for RTEMS we try to keep an up to date list of possible
projects, virtual
machines which are already set up to do development with, etc. If you have
a specific class room goal, we will work with you to make it a success.

We all have a tendency not to want to ask for help or bother other
people. But in
this case, if you folks don't, then everyone loses. You end up with
less time to
spend on maturing teaching material and projects for FOSS. FOSS loses
an opportunity for contributions and future developers.

So I am begging all of you professors, instructors, please approach FOSS
projects for help. We are happy to help you out.

--joel sherrill
tos mailing list

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