Thursday, September 8, 2011

Re: [TOS] I'm writing a workshop proposal to run a mini-POSSE at SIGCSE.

On Sep 2, 2011, at 6:15 PM, Steven Huss-Lederman wrote:

> Dear Mel,
> On Sep 2, 2011, at 5:51 PM, Mel Chua wrote:
>>> Does this mean TOS definitely does not want to do a pre-conference
>>> event? Fine with me but wanted to know so I can let the organizers
>>> know if we are sure. If not sure we can finalize this later.
>> On the contrary, Steve -- so long as it doesn't conflict with an HFOSS pre-conference symposium, I'd love to run the POSSE Basics 2-day workshop immediately before the conference, and would come out to teach it [0] -- what needs to happen to make this happen? I couldn't find anything about pre-conference events on the SIGCSE website, but maybe I'm looking in the wrong places.
> You won't find the information on the website. These types of activities are done on an individual basis. I have some of the cost and logistical info. Note they are for one day on Wednesday (not two day). It is still plenty early. I'll drop a note to the HFOSS group to see if they plan a workshop and get back to TOS.

The HFOSS group will not be doing a pre-conference event at SIGCSE. I've been in contact with the SIGCSE coordinator about this. We can get a room (about $500, food extra). Details would be settled toward the end of November. If we want to do this we can decide fees to charge, etc. I'm just putting this out here for discussion.


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