Friday, September 9, 2011

Re: [VOTE] Accumulo to join the Incubator

+1 (non-binding)

On Fri, Sep 9, 2011 at 9:22 AM, Doug Cutting <> wrote:
> It's been a week since the Accumulo proposal was submitted for
> discussion.  A few questions were asked, and the proposal was clarified
> in response.  Sufficient mentors have volunteered.  I thus feel we are
> now ready for a vote.
> The latest proposal can be found at the end of this email and at:
> The discussion regarding the proposal can be found at:
> Please cast your votes:
> [  ] +1 Accept Accumulo for incubation
> [  ] +0 Indifferent to Accumulo incubation
> [  ] -1 Reject Accumulo for incubation
> This vote will close 72 hours from now.
> Thanks,
> Doug
> -----------------------
> = Accumulo Proposal =
> == Abstract ==
> Accumulo is a distributed key/value store that provides expressive,
> cell-level access labels.
> == Proposal ==
> Accumulo is a sorted, distributed key/value store based on Google's
> BigTable design.  It is built on top of Apache Hadoop, Zookeeper, and
> Thrift.  It features a few novel improvements on the BigTable design in
> the form of cell-level access labels and a server-side programming
> mechanism that can modify key/value pairs at various points in the data
> management process.
> == Background ==
> Google published the design of BigTable in 2006.  Several other open
> source projects have implemented aspects of this design including HBase,
> CloudStore, and Cassandra.  Accumulo began its development in 2008.
> == Rationale ==
> There is a need for a flexible, high performance distributed key/value
> store that provides expressive, fine-grained access labels.  The
> communities we expect to be most interested in such a project are
> government, health care, and other industries where privacy is a
> concern.  We have made much progress in developing this project over the
> past 3 years and believe both the project and the interested communities
> would benefit from this work being openly available and having open
> development.
> == Current Status ==
> === Meritocracy ===
> We intend to strongly encourage the community to help with and
> contribute to the code.  We will actively seek potential committers and
> help them become familiar with the codebase.
> === Community ===
> A strong government community has developed around Accumulo and training
> classes have been ongoing for about a year.  Hundreds of developers use
> Accumulo.
> === Core Developers ===
> The developers are mainly employed by the National Security Agency, but
> we anticipate interest developing among other companies.
> === Alignment ===
> Accumulo is built on top of Hadoop, Zookeeper, and Thrift.  It builds
> with Maven.  Due to the strong relationship with these Apache projects,
> the incubator is a good match for Accumulo.
> == Known Risks ==
> === Orphaned Products ===
> There is only a small risk of being orphaned.  The community is
> committed to improving the codebase of the project due to its fulfilling
> needs not addressed by any other software.
> === Inexperience with Open Source ===
> The codebase has been treated internally as an open source project since
> its beginning, and the initial Apache committers have been involved with
> the code for multiple years.  While our experience with public open
> source is limited, we do not anticipate difficulty in operating under
> Apache's development process.
> === Homogeneous Developers ===
> The committers have multiple employers and it is expected that
> committers from different companies will be recruited.
> === Reliance on Salaried Developers ===
> The initial committers are all paid by their employers to work on
> Accumulo and we expect such employment to continue.  Some of the initial
> committers would continue as volunteers even if no longer employed to do so.
> === Relationships with Other Apache Products ===
> Accumulo uses Hadoop, Zookeeper, Thrift, Maven, log4j, commons-lang,
> -net, -io, -jci, -collections, -configuration, -logging, and -codec.
> === Relationship to HBase ===
> Accumulo and HBase are both based on the design of Google's BigTable, so
> there is a danger that potential users will have difficulty
> distinguishing the two.  Some of the key areas in which Accumulo differs
> from HBase are discussed below.  It may be possible to incorporate the
> desired features of Accumulo into HBase.  However, the amount of work
> required would slow development of HBase and Accumulo considerably.  We
> believe this warrants a podling for Accumulo at the current time.  We
> expect active cross-pollination will occur between HBase and podling
> Accumulo and it is possible that the codebases and projects will
> ultimately converge.
> ==== Access Labels ====
> Accumulo has an additional portion of its key that sorts after the
> column qualifier and before the timestamp.  It is called column
> visibility and enables expressive cell-level access control.
> Authorizations are passed with each query to control what data is
> returned to the user.  The column visibilities are boolean AND and OR
> combinations of arbitrary strings (such as "(A&B)|C") and authorizations
> are sets of strings (such as {C,D}).
> ==== Iterators ====
> Accumulo has a novel server-side programming mechanism that can modify
> the data written to disk or returned to the user.  This mechanism can be
> configured for any of the scopes where data is read from or written to
> disk.  It can be used to perform joins on data within a single tablet.
> ==== Flexibility ====
> HBase requires the user to specify the set of column families to be used
> up front.  Accumulo places no restrictions on the column families.
> Also, each column family in HBase is stored separately on disk.
> Accumulo allows column families to be grouped together on disk, as does
> BigTable.  This enables users to configure how their data is stored,
> potentially providing improvements in compression and lookup speeds.  It
> gives Accumulo a row/column hybrid nature, while HBase is currently
> column-oriented.
> ==== Testing ====
> Accumulo has testing frameworks that have resulted in its achieving a
> high level of correctness and performance.  We have observed that under
> some configurations and conditions Accumulo will outperform HBase and
> provide greater data integrity.
> ==== Logging ====
> HBase uses a write-ahead log on the Hadoop Distributed File System.
> Accumulo has its own logging service that does not depend on
> communication with the HDFS NameNode.
> ==== Storage ====
> Accumulo has a relative key file format that improves compression.
> ==== Areas in which HBase features improvements over Accumulo ====
> in memory tables, upserts, coprocessors, connections to other projects
> such as Cascading and Pig
> === Expectations ===
> There is a risk that Accumulo will be criticized for not providing
> adequate security.  The access labels in Accumulo do not in themselves
> provide a complete security solution, but are a mechanism for labeling
> each piece of data with the authorizations that are necessary to see it.
> === Apache Brand ===
> Our interest in releasing this code as an Apache incubator project is
> due to its strong relationship with other Apache projects, i.e. Accumulo
> has dependencies on Hadoop, Zookeeper, and Thrift and has complementary
> goals to HBase.
> == Documentation ==
> There is not currently documentation about Accumulo on the web, but a
> fair amount of documentation and training materials exists and will be
> provided on the Accumulo wiki at  Also, a paper discussing
> YCSB results for Accumulo will be presented at the 2011 Symposium on
> Cloud Computing.
> == Initial Source ==
> Accumulo has been in development since spring 2008.  There are hundreds
> of developers using it and tens of developers have contributed to it.
> The core codebase consists of 200,000 lines of code (mainly Java) and
> 100s of pages of documentation.  There are also a few projects built on
> top of Accumulo that may be added to its contrib in the future.  These
> include support for Hive, Matlab, YCSB, and graph processing.
> == Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan ==
> Accumulo core code, examples, documention, and training materials will
> be submitted by the National Security Agency.
> We will also be soliciting contributions of further plugins from MIT
> Lincoln Labs, Carnegie Mellon University, and others.
> Accumulo has been developed by a mix of government employees and private
> companies under government contract.  Material developed by government
> employees is in the public domain and no U.S. copyright exists in works
> of the federal government.  For the contractor developed material in the
> initial submission, the U.S. Government has sufficient authority per the
> ICLA from the copyright owner to contribute the Accumulo code to the
> incubator.
> There has been some discussion regarding accepting contributions from US
> Government sources on We
> propose that the NSA will sign an ICLA/CCLA if that document could be
> slightly modified to explicitly address copyright in works of government
> employees. Specifically, we propose that the definition of "You" be
> modified to include "the copyright owner, the owner of a Contribution
> not subject to copyright, or legal entity authorized by the copyright
> owner that is making this Agreement." In addition, section 2, the
> copyright license grant be modified after "You hereby grant" that either
> states "to the extent authorized by law" or "to the extent copyright
> exists in the Contribution."  These changes will permit US Government
> employee developed work to be included.
> One proposed solution is to form a Collaborative Research and
> Development Agreement (CRADA) between the Apache Software Foundation and
> the US Government, but this will not solve the underlying problem that
> U.S. law does not grant copyright to works of government employees.  At
> this time a CRADA is not necessary but should it be determined that a
> CRADA is necessary, we would like to work through that process during
> the incubation phase of Accumulo rather than before acceptance as this
> may take time to enter into an agreement.
> == External Dependencies ==
> jetty (Apache and EPL), jline (BSD), jfreechart (LGPL), jcommon (LGPL),
> slf4j (MIT), junit (CPL)
> == Cryptography ==
> none
> == Required Resources ==
>  * Mailing Lists
>   * accumulo-private
>   * accumulo-dev
>   * accumulo-commits
>   * accumulo-user
>  * Subversion Directory
>   *
>  * Issue Tracking
>   * JIRA Accumulo (ACCUMULO)
>  * Continuous Integration
>   * Jenkins builds on
>  * Web
>   *
>   * wiki at or
> == Initial Committers ==
>  * Aaron Cordova (aaron at cordovas dot org)
>  * Adam Fuchs (adam.p.fuchs at ugov dot gov)
>  * Eric Newton (ecn at swcomplete dot com)
>  * Billie Rinaldi (billie.j.rinaldi at ugov dot gov)
>  * Keith Turner (keith.turner at ptech-llc dot com)
>  * John Vines (john.w.vines at ugov dot gov)
>  * Chris Waring (christopher.a.waring at ugov dot gov)
> == Affiliations ==
>  * Aaron Cordova, The Interllective
>  * Adam Fuchs, National Security Agency
>  * Eric Newton, SW Complete Incorporated
>  * Billie Rinaldi, National Security Agency
>  * Keith Turner, Peterson Technology LLC
>  * John Vines, National Security Agency
>  * Chris Waring, National Security Agency
> == Sponsors ==
>  * Champion: Doug Cutting
> == Nominated Mentors ==
>  * Benson Margulies
>  * Alan Cabrera
>  * Bernd Fondermann
>  * Owen O'Malley
> == Sponsoring Entity ==
>  * Apache Incubator
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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