Thursday, December 15, 2011

RE: Actively retiring projects


> My personal perspective is that incubation shouldn't generally take more than a year.

The problem is with small communities. What do you suggest with projects that are functional, but just barely have a critical mass, or not quite even?

> my feeling is that there needs to be an expectation that a podling
> produces AT THE VERY MINIMUM a credible plan that they are executing
> on which will lead to graduation at some point.

Many of them say that they need to grow their community. What do you suggest they do while trying? Do we simply call them done after 365 days?

> Meanwhile, I will personally focus on JSPWiki.

I would have expected that one done long ago. And some of the ones on your list are actually dead. Perhaps just not yet buried, which I would agree falls under the term of garbage collection.

--- Noel

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