Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Re: Can (Podling) Projects collect funds through certification programs?

On 12/13/2011 5:20 AM, Ross Gardler wrote:
> On 13 December 2011 11:15, seba.wagner@gmail.com <seba.wagner@gmail.com> wrote:
>> My questions is not about who collects the money, we can forward requests
>> to http://www.apache.org/foundation/sponsorship.html
>> But can we list those companies / individuals separated on our project
>> website?
> Yes, many projects have a separate thank you page. The links from
> those pages should be rel="nofollow" as that is the case from the main
> sponsor page.
> The PPMC can set the conditions under which companies can be added to
> such pages. However, they should not be used to benefit one or more
> organisations over others.

And you cannot exchange monies for something of value, e.g. "purchasing
our affiliation". That can run us afoul of our 501(c)3 status.

The criteria for being listed should rather revolve around companies who
demonstrate competency, contribute code, support user groups and other
things which benefit the "commons"/charitable purpose of the foundation.

If this is simply a list of "commercial products embedding project foo",
this is just data/statement of fact, doesn't require a value judgement
and won't run afoul of our charitable purpose.

The ASF is expressly disallowed by our tax status from participating in
"commerce". Thus we are non-commercial, don't make commercial endorsements
and avoid even the appearances of working towards the commercial gain of
any individual entity.

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