Thursday, December 1, 2011

Yan: [PROPOSAL] Apache DeltaSpike - CDI-Extensions project

+1 (binding)


Kimden: Mark Struberg <>
Kime: "" <>
Gönderildiği Tarih: 30 Kasım 2011 1:40 Çarşamba
Konu: [PROPOSAL] Apache DeltaSpike - CDI-Extensions project


JBoss, The Apache MyFaces CODI team and CDISource would like to propose the Apache DeltaSpike project to the Incubator.

We have added the initial proposal to the Wiki[1] and its content is also included
below for convenience.
There are already a few people who expressed interest in contributing additional CDI Extensions and would like to join this effort. Of course, we are thankful for every helping hand!

We are looking forward to feedback and/or questions on the proposal.

We already have five mentors, but would very much welcome
additional volunteers to help steer Apache DeltaSpike through the incubation



Apache DeltaSpike Proposal


Apache DeltaSpike is a collection of JSR-299 (CDI) Extensions for building applications on the Java SE and EE platforms.


Apache DeltaSpike will consist of a number of portable CDI extensions that  provide
useful features for Java application developers. The goal of  Apache DeltaSpike is to create a de-facto standard of extensions that is  developed and
maintained by the Java community, and to act as an  incubator for
features that may eventually become part of the various  Java SE and
EE-related specifications.


One  of the
most exciting inclusions of the Java EE6 specification is  JSR-299,
Contexts and Dependency Injection (CDI) for Java. CDI builds on  other
Java EE specifications by defining a contextual component model  and
typesafe dependency injection framework for managed beans.  It also  
defines a SPI that allows developers to write portable "extensions" that can be used to modify the behaviour of the Java EE platform, by  
offering additional features not provided by the platform by default.
Apache DeltaSpike builds on this portable extensions SPI by providing baseline  utilities and CDI Extensions which form the base of almost all CDI  applications.


There  presently exists a number of open source projects that provide  extensions for CDI, such as Apache MyFaces CODI, JBoss Seam3 and  CDISource.  Apache DeltaSpike seeks to unify these efforts by creating  an "industry standard" set of extensions, combining the best core  features of these projects. The
project also aims to provide a rich,  JBoss Arquillian based (license:
ALv2), test environment to ensure that DeltaSpike portably runs in all important CDI environments.

Initial Goals

The initial goals of the Apache DeltaSpike project are to:
    * Setup the governance structure of the project
    * Receive code donations from contributing members
    * Ensure all donated code is appropriately licensed under the Apache License
    * Merge and rename code to reflect new project name
    * Merge code where feature overlap exists
    * Merge or produce documentation for all modules
    * Provide simple examples demonstrating feature usage
    * Produce release/s based on a schedule created by the PMC
    * Attract contributions from the greater Java EE community and other Java EE development groups

Current Status

The  initial codebase for Apache DeltaSpike will be populated with mature  code donations from project members, including JBoss Seam3, Apache MyFaces CODI and CDISource.


contributors have a well established history in the open source  
community and are well aware of the meritocracy principles of the Apache Software Foundation.
Currently the Seam3 project is fortunate to receive the majority of its code  
contributions from its large community of users.  Many of the modules  
that are contained in the Seam project are led by volunteers from the  
community, who have both direct commit access, and discretion over the  
direction of their modules.
Apache MyFaces CODI is a subproject of Apache MyFaces and thus all  contributors are already familiar with the meritocracy principles.
The CDISource project has adopted the principles of meritocracy by the  
founding developers having control of different modules depending on  
their contribution to those modules.


The  JBoss Seam, Apache MyFaces CODI and CDISource projects already have  well established communities, consisting of many active users and  contributors.  One of the primary
goals of the Apache DeltaSpike project  is to unify this community, and by creating a project that is a "single  source of truth" for CDI Extensions.  By doing this, we hope
to make the whole greater than the sum of its parts,  i.e. to
attract a much stronger community than that which currently  exists
across the separate projects.  To this end, it is a goal of this  
project to attract contributors from the Java EE community in addition  
to those from the three projects already mentioned.

Core Developers
    * Shane Bryzak (Red Hat)
    * Jason Porter (Red Hat)
    * Stuart Douglas (Red Hat)
    * Jozef Hartinger (Red Hat)
    * Brian Leathem (Red Hat)
    * Ken Finnigan (Red Hat)
    * Marius Bogoevici (Red Hat)
    * Pete Muir (Red Hat)
    * George Gastaldi (Independent contributor)
    * John Ament (Independent contributor)
    * Cody Lerum (Independent contributor)
    * Antoine Sabot-Durand (Independent contributor)
    * Pete Royle (Independent contributor)
    * Mark Struberg (individual, ASF member)
    * Gerhard Petracek (individual, ASF member)
    * David Blevins (individual, ASF member)
    * Matthias Wessendorf (individual, ASF member)
    * Jakob Korherr (individual, ASF committer)
    * Andy Gibson (Independent contributor)
    * Rick Hightower (Independent contributor)
    * Rob Williams (Independent contributor)


The  Apache DeltaSpike project is intended to be portable, and be fully  compatible with any
compliant Java EE6 container.  To promote the  adoption of this project, we believe that it is important that it  remains free from corporate
association and is perceived by the  community to be vendor neutral.  To this end, the Apache Software  Foundation with its values of
transparency and community makes it an  excellent fit for this project,
not to mention that one of the  contributing members (Apache MyFaces CODI) is already an Apache project.

Known Risks

While  many of the contributors to the Apache DeltaSpike project are  volunteers, the initial effort of setting up the project
and driving  ongoing releases may fall to corporate-sponsored members.  
It is  recognized that there may be a slight risk based on the
dependence of  salaried contributors, however it can safely be said that most if not  all of these contributors began as community volunteers
that recognized  the merit of the project and began contributing as a
result of their own  passion.

Documentation for the existing projects can be found as follows:
    * JBoss Seam -
    * Apache MyFaces CODI -
    * CDISource -
Documentation  for the Apache DeltaSpike project would be created by combining and  editing material from the
above sources, in addition to the writing of  new material where

Initial Source

Source  code contributions for the Apache DeltaSpike project would be made from  its member projects, and the initial goal would be to provide a common core extension which contains a number of features considered essential for building other extensions.  Tests for this common core will be
developed  using the Arquillian integration testing framework, allowing
the  extension to be automatically tested extensively across various CDI implementations and EE servers in the interest of providing a stable  
foundation for building other extensions.
The ongoing goal of the project will be to gradually incorporate
additional  features as determined by the PPMC, extending on the
foundation  features provided by the common core.

Source and IP Submission Plan

The following resources will be moved to Apache infrastructure under the Apache DeltaSpike project name:
    * Core JBoss Seam 3 codebase.  Seam 3 is already licensed under the Apache License V2.
    * Seam Core Reference Documentation
    * Apache MyFaces CODI codebase
    * Apache MyFaces CODI documentation
    * CDISource codebase under the Apache License V2
The existing Seam, MyFaces CODI and CDISource trademarks will be retained by their respective owners.

External Dependencies

The following external dependencies have been identified:
    * Apache Maven - Java based build tool - Apache License 2.0, (non-runtime)
    * Arquillian - Java EE integration testing framework - Apache License 2.0, (non-runtime)
    * Shrinkwrap - Java deployment packaging - Apache License 2.0 (non-runtime)
    * various Java EE API packages - all Apache License 2.0 (non-runtime)

Required Resources

Mailing Lists


Version Control

It  is proposed that the source code for the Apache DeltaSpike project be  hosted in the Apache Git repository, under the following directory:
    * incubator/deltaspike/

Issue Tracking

The following JIRA project would be required to track issues for the Apache DeltaSpike project:

Initial Committers

    * Shane Bryzak (sbryzak at
    * Jason Porter ( at
    * Stuart Douglas (stuart.w.douglas at
    * Jozef Hartinger (jozefhartinger at
    * Brian Leathem (bleathem at
    * Ken Finnigan (ken at
    * Marius Bogoevici (mariusb at
    * George Gastaldi (gegastaldi at
    * John Ament (john.d.ament at
    * Cody Lerum (cody.lerum at
    * Antoine Sabot-Durand (antoine at
    * Pete Royle (pete at
    * Pete Muir (pmuir at
    * Mark Struberg (struberg at apache dot org)
    * Gerhard Petracek (gpetracek at apache dot org)
    * David Blevins (dblevins at apache dot org)
    * Matthias Wessendorf (matzew at apache dot org)
    * Jakob Korherr (jakobk at apache dot org)
    * Andy Gibson (contact at
    * Rick Hightower (richardhightower at


The following contributors are full time employees of Red Hat:
    * Shane Bryzak
    * Jason Porter
    * Stuart Douglas
    * Jozef Hartinger
    * Brian Leathem
    * Ken Finnigan
    * Marius Bogoevici
    * Pete Muir



    * Mark Struberg

Nominated Mentors

    * Mark Struberg
    * Gerhard Petracek
    * David Blevins
    * Matthias Wessendorf
    * Matt Benson
Sponsoring Entity

    * Apache MyFaces PMC

Project Name
While DeltaSpike is intended to be used as the project's code name during the
incubation  process, it is intended that we will solicit suggestions
from the  greater community for a more suitable name before it becomes a top level  project at Apache.

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