Our 72 hour minimum window has passed, and unfortunately we have not gotten enough approving votes (though no unvotes). I believe we only need one more IPMC approval vote to wrap up our first release, so if one of you could take a bit of time to look through RC10 and approve it (or provide criticism) that would be stellar.
----- Original Message -----
| From: "Eric Newton" <eric.newton@gmail.com>
| To: general@incubator.apache.org, accumulo-dev@incubator.apache.org
| Sent: Thursday, December 8, 2011 11:22:01 AM
| Subject: [VOTE] accumulo-1.3.5-incubating RC10
| If at first you don't succeed... hopefully this candidate passes all
| the
| hurdles.
| Please vote on releasing the following candidate as Apache Accumulo
| (incubating) version 1.3.5. This will be the first incubator release
| for
| Accumulo.
| This release candidate fixes the license documentation issues found in
| rc9:
| * Added the BSD license to the LICENSE file for jline
| * Added the missing entry in NOTICE for the bloom filter files
| I generated the tarballs by exporting
| https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/accumulo/tags/1.3.5rc10
| then running "tar cvzf" to create the src and running
| "./src/assemble/build.sh" to create the dist.
| Tarballs, checksums, signatures:
| http://people.apache.org/~ecn/
| MD5 sums:
| 17e0c980a55b7be3abe560a38422e037
| accumulo-1.3.5-incubating-rc10-dist.tar.gz
| 9e5bbca4935d3b80869cbabb9a52608d
| accumulo-1.3.5-incubating-rc10-src.tar.gz
| SVN tag:
| https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/accumulo/tags/1.3.5rc10
| Keys:
| http://www.apache.org/dist/incubator/accumulo/KEYS
| Given the amount of time allowed for the previous 3 calls and nature
| of the
| latest changes, I would like this to be a 24 hour vote.
| Thanks,
| -Eric
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