Thursday, September 22, 2011

Re: [PROPOSAL] Any23 to join the incubator

Hi everyone,

Further to the previous threads on this topic, I would like to express my
interest in becoming a committer for the project. Coming from an academic
background I am working extensively with the mapping of static legislative
document resources to RDF datasets and then using these datasets across
platforms such as Kasabi [1], and various projects closely linked to Jena,
E.g. Joseki and Fuseki. Also I've found other tools such as eyeball reall
helpful during my journey.

I was voted in by the Apache Nutch PMC around three months ago as PMC member
and Committer, and was thankfully directed to this thread by Chris Mattmann.
The idea of extending the functionality of Any23 as a Nutch plugin is
something which interests me, and which could also benefit academic/research
users of Nutch such as myself. At this stage I don't have a strong opinion
on whether Any23 should be a sub-project of Tika, but think it is very
encouraging that it seems like a probable direction the project is/could
move towards.

Thanks very much.




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